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The APP Brings the Outdoors, Indoors

The APP Brings the Outdoors, Indoors

November 21, 2023
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The APP’s recent announcement about the update to its amateur tournament format – moving to round robin format, pool play with playoffs to ensure all players have maximum time on-court, and minimum time between games – has been universally greeted by the pickleball community as yet another sign that the APP sets the standard for tournament play in the USA, and worldwide.

This update for the 2024 schedule comes just as the APP Tour heads indoors for the first time in 2023, at the State Farm 2023 APP U.S. Indoor Championships, an event that will provide another opportunity for players competing in an APP event to see for themselves how the APP keeps achieving its goal of creating the best possible tournament for all players, across all categories of competition.

The final event of the APP’s 2023 schedule takes place at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois, and the competitors will see everything they’re used to at outdoor APP events, only this time it’s indoors, out of the late autumn cold. That’s true for the event that wraps up the APP’s 2023 tournament season, and those taking part in the first event of 2024, the 2024 APP U.S. Collegiate Championships and Midwest Open at Grand Park Sports Campus in Westfield, Indiana.

All matches at the State Farm 2023 APP U.S. Indoor Championships will be taking place on Pickleball United’s True Courts, the standard-setters for high-performance, temporary pickleball courts, and the APP’s official court provider. APP tournament players are well-used to the high standard of competition True Courts provide, experiencing them at multiple APP Tour venues including the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York City, among others.

Every court will also feature the APP’s official nets, courtesy of the class-leading C&D Nets. The APP takes pride in planning its court layouts to ensure there is ample space between each court, and both the Rosemont venue, and the Grand Park Sports Campus in Westfield will provide all players with the same experience they have enjoyed at APP events across the country, indoors and outdoors.

Ken Herrmann, founder of the APP, knows it's important to provide a consistent playing experience for players in APP events, wherever competitions take place.

“I’ve said since day one of the APP that we have to treat all players equally. That’s why we are so proud to receive such positive feedback about how we treat all our competitors, and it's why we work so hard to ensure that the tournament experience is the same outdoors as it is indoors. We have world-class partners in Pickleball United, C&D Nets, and USA Pickleball, and they work with us to ensure that wherever we go, players in our events are able to focus on the pure spirit of competition, in a friendly, welcoming environment. For me, that’s the soul of the APP.”

Registration for the State Farm 2023 APP U.S. Indoor Championships closes on November 21st, but you can buy tickets now to come see the event live in person.. The 2024 APP Midwest Open has places available in multiple categories, but demand is high to start the new year off in style at the APP’s first event of 2024, so register now, and come experience pickleball, APP style.

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